Judy Weiser and I have been friends for over sixty years–listen now to our latest conversation full of funny stories and new discoveries!
Back in the 1970s, Judy Weiser was one of the earliest pioneers of PhotoTherapy Techniques (how people can use their personal and family photos to help them improve their lives) — and has continued to combine her love of photographing interesting moments, people and exciting causes, with her work as a Therapist– which then led her to teaching and lecturing all over the world, showing people how they can learn to do the same thing.
Listen to this wild conversation between long-time friends as we reminisce and discover even more answers to living productive and very enjoyable lives — and discover what it is that has made our close friendship last for over six decades!!
Listen here..

Here are the ways to keep up with Judy Weiser and learn more . . .

And the quote Judy mentions is by Hunter S. Thompson
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What s Ride!”
Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967

Crow, I *LOVE* how you managed to “tame” all our crazy stories and put them together in this podcast — and on this page with the most perfect photos that narrate our connection from the earliest times up to the present!! Thank you so VERY much for having the idea to do this — and then to *DO* it, so well. WOW!! Sending you much love, as always, Judy
Yahooo… So happy you love the distillation. It was a joy to work with. Thank you !
Love her photos of Michael Johnson.
Yes. Judy Weiser has taken fabulous photos of so many of our tribe.
Cindy… Is there one photo of Michael in particular that you love?
Loved this.
As someone with an art degree majoring in photography, a friend of Crows from the 60’s and a 77 year old named “Judy “ I am feeling somewhat chagrined after listening to this. Surely there was more I could have accomplished in all those years.
Now I have to go and check out her book.
Thanks again Crow.
Judy, You are no slacker!! So glad you enjoyed the conversation.
PS the book is amazing.
and *I* love your comment, Judy! But… there’s still time! GO FOR IT!! ?