Odds are that you have one or more plastic chairs. All over the world people have these. I want to do drawings that include at least one plastic chair. You can be sitting in it, your dog, cat, good friend, grandma, favorite guitar, garment, flower pot…. anything that is not X-Rated. I’m hoping we’ll get […]
6-15-21 Drawing a Day
How many times does an author re-write a paragraph? How many times does an artist erase and re-draw? I could spend years trying to get things right. But the best advice I’ve heard so far from an accomplished artist. “…as soon as I can tell who the drawing is…I stop.” Today’s sketch is Morgan Freeman. […]
A Drawing a Day Practice 06-14-21
I once believed that to learn an instrument or a skill, I needed to hide in the woods, a closet, or stay out of sight til no one was around. I don’t believe that any longer. In my early 70s, I fell in love with learning to draw and paint. (Yeah, right. It takes 30 […]