Spread the loveHave you checked off some of your projects through the summer? Give yourselves a standing ovation for all incremental progress. No kidding, global pandemics are not just another day on the ranch. I have just completed a 5 week course, Introduction to Illustration, which was the most comprehensive, challenging, and rewarding use of […]
8-14-21 Joker Drawing
Spread the loveDo you get scared of images? This was a 20-minute exercise for Studio Bridge #life-drawing. I find the image so scary that I put it in a narrow box. As one who’s never followed super-hero characters, horror movies, or comics, I tried to conjure compassion for this joker by pretending he was more […]
I’m taking a time-out from FB. If you want to keep in touch… I’d love it. Here’s how:
Spread the love I thrive on hearts, hugs, thumbs up, and encouragement. There are a bunch of beautiful souls and friends who connect via FaceBook. I’m taking a time-out from FB… my new internet connection is the website crowjohnsonevans.com, or my email crowspun at gee mail dot com. Or make a zoom appointment! Why? I […]